Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Before Beckett

Before Beckett 

Whelp, it's been an embarrassing amount of time since I last tried to update my family blog, a rather pathetic try.  

That said, here we go!

I figured I would go back to my initial goal of documenting our life during my pregnancy with Beckett, his delivery, and then life after.  

My last blog was over how we lost Pops to his home with Jesus only a few months before we had baby B.  That time away with Matt's family was encouraging and a great reminder of the solid family Beckett would be born into.  That doesn't mean we are without issues.  What makes a difference is we have a solid ground we stand on, and continue to stand as we raise our families together.  

After the trip, it was full on baby #3 prep! 

My Grandpa Bob had a birthday bash to celebrate his 90th in Dallas that we went to.  Cullen had a birthday to be celebrated :) his 3rd!  Thanks Giving and Christmas were fast approaching. There was a lot going on in our family of 4, and the thought of our 3rd son was exciting as well as intimidating! 

Below are a few pictures of the last days in my pregnancy, and some of the celebrations we had prior to his birth.

  1. One of my favorite belly shots... a fashionable belly I must say!
  2. Love and life in a field thanks to Jennifer Wildey and her beautiful work
  3. Solo Shot taken at the shower that my most precious friends hosted in honor of Beckett
  4. A picture to remember our family of 4 before we became 5
  5. Matt and I at my Grandpa's 90th birthday celebration
  6. Thanks Giving 2012 
  7. The beauty that is pregnancy- again, Jennifer, beautiful memories captured!

  1. Cullen is one of a kind, this captures his precious personality in so many ways
  2. Bass Pro, and the must see Santa Clause at christmas time (thankful its free)!
  3. Happy Birthday Cullen James Srp!  You, and your donut face are perfect to us.  
It is crazy that as I write this, Beckett is upstairs napping, and he is almost 21 months old!  (that is almost 2 for the guys out there that hate when women talk in "months") 

We have lived sooooooo much life since then! God has brought us through the trying time of adjusting to life with 3.  Let me clarify... God has brought us through the adjustment of life with THREE BOYS!!!  We have decided to move forward with plans to build a new house, and move from the house we started our family in.  We've lost precious loved ones, but with those loses, we have welcomed new family members, and made new forever friends.  
Life continues on! Maybe one day I'll be up to date, and can blog on current family matters :)


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Celebration for Pops

Hello! This was at 30 weeks :)
I love pregnant women and their baby bumps... therefore I love that my belly is stretching that white shirt to its max.
I had nine weeks to go and made great use of a suitcase to rest my ever growing belly!

We arrived!! The drive to San Francisco from Sacramento gave us the much needed alone time to talk, laugh, and sit in SILENCE! 
It was wonderful and beautiful!  God is so creative and very giving in all the beauty he made for us.  
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1
The heavens were definitely declaring the glory of God on our drive.  

Our hotel was in Union Square.  We walked down the block to Farallon, a restaurant we hadn't heard of but was busy, and enjoyed ourselves a delicious meal and great wine.  

Familiar was the route we went when it came to breakfast.  Too bad we weren't in the know on some great places to visit.  Oh well, I'll never ever turn down a Starbucks.  Even though they raised their prices AGAIN... ridiculous

San Francisco firemen... 
Matt and I couldn't help but miss our boys after seeing the firetruck below.  The boys would have loved it.  

Our walk to Fisherman's Wharf was refreshing, beautiful and entertaining.  
The "mature" woman swimming in the bay, dressed in her bikini and swim cap, blew our mind.  
The water was so so cold.  

The picture below is the view from a high school around the Wharf.  Lucky kids!

Gigi took care of Eli and Cullen while we were away.  They were in for more than they bargained for.  Both of the boys came down with a stomach bug and were taking turns vomiting.  
This is Eli at his field trip.  Close, but not too close to that huge longhorn.  

Our last walk around the city was to the Giants stadium, AT&T Park.  It was a long walk, our route was a bit confusing, but it was worth it.  

Grabbed breakfast at Starbucks 
Made a stop at the 3 story Gap
Did a little bit of wandering
Purchased the boys each a Giants shirt 
Then the Giants go and win the World Series!  Way to go 
I knew Matt and I were lucky together ;D

After our time in San Francisco we headed back to Sacramento to celebrate Pops!
We made our way through Napa Valley on our way.
It was beautiful!  Miles and Miles of vineyards... the grapes were ready to be harvested and made into wine!  mmmm

Oh Napa, CA... you are beautiful!  Matt and I had such a good time driving there from San Francisco.  

Take a look at that sandwich.  Flavorful, fresh and very satisfying.  

Our first night in Sacramento we spent with family at Matt's Aunt Kathy's sisters house.    
The next day we visited the Church his parents were married in and grabbed a coffee at an urban chic coffee shop down the way.  
It was special to see a part of Kim and Jim's history.  They had a photographer take pictures of them outside the church to document their 40th wedding anniversary!   
After the service we walked from the church to the gardens surrounding the capitol building to take a few family photos with everyone there.  
The roses in the garden were fragrant and stunning.

The next night we had pizza with the whole crew. 

Me at 30 weeks and Tracey at about 19 weeks... I am not 100%

  Chet's trunk was donated to the capitol to be on displayed there.  
He was a true artist.  The woodworking he did was all so beautiful and thought out.  

Chet's children and 2nd wife.  
Kim, Bob, Mavis, Lori and Mike.  
They put on a wonderful celebration for the life Chet Lummen lived.  
He was kind, funny, loving, and thoughtful.  My boys loved their Pops and enjoyed his stories, jokes, and the toys he made for them.  I'm so glad to have known him, for the role he played in Matt's life, and that Eli and Cullen were able to know him.  

One very important stop before we headed home. 

Pops, you are loved!
I will cherish the time Matt and I spent with you in your final days in this life.  Holy Holy Holy and Be Thou my Vision will hold a special place in my heart and remind me of the time I sat holding your hand singing to you before you passed.  You were a hoot and a blessing all bundled into one package.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stationery Card

Little Boy Birth Announcement
Find hundreds of cute baby birth announcements at Shutterfly.com.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Beckett at 1 month

Beckett Winston at 1 Month


Cinni Minni

Over It! 

His One Month Stats: 
13lbs 22 inches 
Pro at Nursing 
Blue Eyes
Maybe making one or two "coo" sounds
Sleeps in the Cradle in our room
Favorite Things: his owl hat and mom

We are loving Beckett.  His is such an angel!  Three isn't as difficult as I was dreading dreaming it would be but let me tell you it is because I am BLESSED with such a great involved husband!  

Matt has been a rockstar dad at making sure the older two don't feel ignored, that they know they are loved and he makes sure they get out of the house!  

What I wasn't ready for: 
He is a spitter/has reflux.  It is messy and I feel sorry for the little dude.  I've mastered the technique of "Bicycling" his legs to help him get out the gas.  
Thank you Emily Rose for the Nap Nanny (upright sleep positioner)!  That thing is amazing... yes it's been recalled, but we are not going to use it inappropriately so I'm not giving it up.  My sister in laws both used it and swore it helped... it does! so glad for other mothers and their wisdom :-) 

He looks just like his big brothers but he doesn't.  Does that make sense?  Well if you know what E and C look like and then looked at Beckett you'd get it.  I think it is that he has a smaller head and rounded face.  The eyes and nose are identical tough!  

God is so good.  I can look back now and think of how I worried.  Doesn't God say don't be anxious about tomorrow... Duh!  He is in all of our tomorrows so what was the point!

I was concerned we wouldn't be able to handle the dynamic of three kids, that Beckett would be sick, I was even nervous that he wasn't going to have a nose!  I was a LOONEY TOON!  not have a nose, come on Laura ;-)  
with that said, God is good... he loves me and he loves my family and his blessings are new everyday!  This time has been so sweet, I have three sweet loving boys and they're going to love their mommy "queen of the household", as they call me, forever!  

XOXO, Laura

Monday, January 7, 2013

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

30 WEEKS!!

This feels like a big one, oh my goodness, 30 weeks... 10 more to go!  How could this already be?  
Am I really about to be a mom of 3 THREE boys?!  
Yes, I sure am, and Matt and I couldn't be more *sometimes less* ready for it!  

This week's photo is a legit belly shot... don't be afraid, it's beautiful and a miracle and LIFE!  

Hello belly button!  Is it possible you'll be able to stretch any more.  

How far along? 30 Weeks
Baby size:  Cucumber 
Total weight gain/ Loss {ya right}:  14... down 2 from stomach bug 
Maternity clothes? Loving them!
Stretch marks? No 
Sleep:  Needed 
Best moment this week:  Trip with Matthew to San Francisco and Sacramento to relax and celebrate the life his grandpa Chet lived.  
Missing Anything:  I miss the NON waddle walk
Movement:  Big Movements 
Gender:  BOY: Beckett Winston Srp
Food cravings:  Julios salsa with sweet potato tortilla chips 
Anything making you queasy or sick?  Certain smells
Have you started to show yet?  To answer this question, please glance at the photo above ;-)  
Labor signs:  No- but experiencing Braxton Hicks 
Belly Button in or out?  Out/ In, stretched to max capacity.  I call it the donut.  I swear in any clothing I wear, it looks like a donut ring around my belly button
Wedding rings on or off?  On 
Mood?  I'm getting pretty excited! 
Looking forward to:  Sumos for Hannah's 19th birthday.  I will have a piece or two of a sushi roll.  Guilty! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

"Highlight Reel" Psssshh! Not this time

My Reality Reel

We all know we've heard it and said it ourselves
... blogs, Facebook, instagram, PINTEREST etc... 

I admit, I enjoy sharing with the world the happy moments in life with all of my friends and family.  
But it's not reality. 
Not every day is full of smiles, cleanliness, organization and sanity.  On the contrary.... we have messy rooms, kitchens and clothes, loudness, laziness, and most definitely INsanity!  
Still, there is love and there are happy times and smiles despite those moments.  

I'm going to let you see an instagram snapshot view into my everyday imperfect life :-)  
It may be upsetting surprising, but please don't remove me as a friend or pity me!!
 Enjoy the honesty and feel better about yourself.

Would I LOVE to be the most organized, cleanly, happy woman I know who not only is that, but also has time to do all of it and manage not to neglect their children or husband while being so successful?... duh!  
Will that ever be me?  NO!  not 100%  if it were then I wouldn't be me.

I believe that God made me the way I am for the family I have and the life He wants me to live. 
There is always room for improvement, and being reformed- no one in their right mind can say there isn't {Praise God} 

The down stair and what we have going on here.

Pretty huh! 

Let's be honest, this is nothing to brag about, but it is hopefully something to relate to.  I want to be encouragers to each other and help each other be better versions of ourselves.  

With this out in the open I'll be held more accountable :-)  

Okay so starting from top left corner to bottom right: 
1. The Living Room-  This is probably the cleanest room in our house!  
It is rarely used and if the boys do decide to get in there and play/make a fort/ race cars/ play t-ball, football, wrestle etc with daddy then there is a lovely trunk to throw it ALL back into when they're over it...
You can just imagine what the trunk looks like inside, but who has an organized trunk??  
{if you do, just keep your mouth shut}

2. The Kitchen Desk- There is a bit of organization here.  It may not look that way but I promise there is :-)  The boxes on the ground {in place of where a chair should be} are filled with giveaways and Southern Living items I'd like to sell in a garage sale.  There is no telling how long these will be there.  I am growing VERY tired of them though so my goal is not much longer!  

3.  The kitchen sink- I have been blessed by God with a husband who does the dishes!
he DOES the dishes {most of the time} without complaint.  
Yet the picture shown here is of my doing.  
I finally got my hands "dirty" in the dishes by rinsing them off and placing them in the dishwasher.  Yes, I unloaded the clean dishes that were still in there from Matt washing them the previous night.  
The dishes do get done regularly, in this instance though we had been "busy" with other things.
Matt and I were in California about a week and a half ago for 5 days and we returned to a sick kiddo and we ourselves got sick.  So really, who needs clean dishes when you're on vacation or you and your baby are sick with the stomach bug?  No one in this family!!!  
Let me say I am grateful to my mom for soaking the pots left in the sink while we were away 
(Love you mom)

4. Laundry Room: Oh Lord is this room ever organized.  I swear, 3 males and one female produce A LOT of laundry- You all know how this goes!  
Thankfully the clothes shown in the picture are clean.  It is a matter of putting them away in a timely manner.    
Reasons I give for why the laundry room isn't clean: 
-If only I had baskets
-I need more hangers {who has time to buy hangers and if you do, who remembers?!}
-Where is my maid!!?  {I'm ashamed :-( } but lets be honest we've all thought it! 
-Too bad I don't have a PINTEREST laundry room
-Natural light or bright paint would make it so much more enjoyable to be in there.  

5. The Powder Bath: This room is normally clean.  There has been an unfortunate "mishap" recently in this room that has made it unfriendly!!  
Cullen asked me to hold a miniature toy car of his in my pocket the other day.  I obliged his request.  When we got home each of us took a turn going to the restroom.  
The car fell out of my back pocket and into the toilet water.  Before I could retrieve it, Cullen took his turn.  
My quick decision was to try and flush it hoping the car would sit in a visible area.  
It DIDN'T!  Go figure.  Soo...
I let matthew know of the situation when he got home and requested it be taken care of.  I deemed this situation a MAN's job!!!  

Well...it didn't get taken care of, it has yet to be taken care of and well... you can imagine what a toilet that only halfway flushes is like.  Not good, not good at all.  We are both ashamed and you should be as well.  I'm still leaving it up to Matt to fix :-)

6. Family Room Coffee Table: There is a very simple explanation for the messiness on this table.  
I'm going to go ahead and blame it on my unborn child, Beckett.  
Yes, this table is dirty due to the unfinished crafts I have in the making for his nursery.  I know it makes Matt Crazy but I can't help this.  There is no space for a craft room in our house ;-)
It'll all be worth it when then crafts are completed.  He will appreciate it, I just know it!  

7.  Kitchen Table:  Black, what a terrible idea!  Loved it for a while now I am overwhelmed by how quickly it dirties.  Smudges, crumbs stuck in the grooves, yogurt spills from a child {no names} who has a very difficult time keeping it in the container... hard to keep clean.

My mother in law has a table she is willing to give us, thank you so much, we just have to make the initiative in getting rid of the current table! 

8. "Cute"Art Display Wall:  I had every intention in keeping this up to date and pinterest worthy.  I have failed.  The quotes within the frames haven't been updated through the season as I had planned.  The art that the boys bring home from school that are too precious to be put in a box haven't been updated since last preschool year.   I believe there are even pictures of the boys as babies up there.  Nothing current... That sums it all up.  
Truly this is a quick fix, but it is sooo little in the scheme of things.  

Anyone else have a few failed projects such as this one?  Maybe I shouldn't call the project a fail, just my ability to keep it up to date.  

9.  Family Room:  Really the biggest problem in here is the dust.  Go ahead and ignore the pallet we have on the floor please!  A sick mommy, daddy and boys = TV time and sleeping on a pallet during the day.  
Another problem could be the amount of time the TV is on.  It has become background noise in our house.  It's on while we aren't paying any attention to it.  That is just silly.  

Well there you have it!  The true glimpse into our "Reality Reel" of life.  
It's not glamorous but it is real and I'd like to think it is normal for a lot of people!  
**this mess is not true of our life 100% of the time**

I am tired of not inviting people over {something I love to do} because I don't have it all together like I believe the rest of you do.  It is embarrassing and I compare myself too much to my friends.  I think I should get over this! 

It's something I want to make better.  Taking the time to do it is a simple fix... but for some reason, not so simple.  

I better get a grip on it quick.  Beckett will be here is 9 weeks!  9 WEEKS!!!  
I can't even imagine what it will be like in this house with 3 BOYS if I don't get things rolling here.
Thankfully I have a God who is full of grace and love.  He is here to reform me and make me into a better version of me.  
Keeping a spotless house is on the bottom end of the ladder to me.  A happy house, a creative house a loving house is more important in my book.  
And Hello, I am not even successful at that all the time!

Funny fact:  there was a woman who spoke at MOPs this morning who discussed things we preoccupy our occupation of being a mom and wife with.  
Believe it or not, and I am serious here, there are women who spend more time CLEANING then playing with their kiddos... What?  Not possible!!  Just teasing, I admire those women.
 Really, I have no issue with setting down the mop, broom, duster etc.  I do want to work on the relationship we have. 

So what does this mean?  

I'd like to start having people over more.  My friends will love me for me.  
I am going to keep a more organized house.  It needs to happen, no question.  
This is my current reality through ecard confessions:

I will, God help me, work on spending more time with my boys rather preoccupying my occupation as a mom with things that truly have no worth and no heavenly importance.

I have every intention of writing another blog post with pictures of a clean house!  Hold me to it... 
It's on the internet so it has to be true right?! 

This was fun... Sigh, I feel better :-)  
{don't be embarrassed Matthew!}


Matthew 11:29 scripture encouragement for the above.  
29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is EASY and My BURDEN is LIGHT.”

Jesus wants us to be in his presence, to "be covered in the dust from his feet" because we are following him so closely.  His yoke is easy and the burden is light.  
There is no point letting the everyday stresses overwhelm you until you are unable to do things for his Glory.  Take his yoke upon you.  This is what my heart is focused on for now.  

Thanks for reading and I hope you have enjoyed YOUR "Reality Reel" today!