Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Let's Rodeo San Antonio!

Matt and I went with my family to the opening night of the San Antonio Rodeo. My entire family joined. That includes my parents, my brother Jake and his wife Jill, my brothers Mike, Cody and Josh and my sister Hannah! Lots of people and lots of fun.

We went out to the fair first so Eli and Cullen could ride the rides. My siblings bailed early to go inside because of how cold it was! It never fails to be cold during the rodeo in San Antonio.

Eli and cullen rode on the airplanes and the bug roller coaster together. Cullen went on the swings by himself since Eli thought they were too "baby" for him...here we go :-)! Then they wanted me to take them on a dragon spinning ride. I did, but it was pretty lame. I'm pretty sure the carney put some sort of lock on it so it wouldn't spin. My mom made a comment about how it was a waste of tickets loud enough so he would hear. Then like magic we were spinning around and around and around. Gotta love Gigi!

Once we were inside the arena the boys were mesmerized by the festivities. There was a laser light show that they loved. Opening ceremonies with all the horses thrilled Eli. C and E both took part in the national anthem. All of us went below and loaded up on food (way too much)! Chicken fingers, nachos, beer, sprite, burgers, popcorn, ice cream, pretzels...there was a lot of food being shared between the 12 of us!

Eli and Cullen thought everything was "so cool"! They loved the bronco riding, the calf scramble, and bull riding. The mutton bustin' made them laugh a lot, they were belly laughing.  Eli would like to have his chance at Mutton Bustin.

A bit of silly time with Eli

During the bull riding I went with Hannah to find my friends Misty and Brooke. We found them and were able to take a cute picture...unfortunately creeper men took the picture for us. We lovingly informed them that Hannah was single ;-)

Creeper in Ponytail Behind Us

KEITH URBAN was the entertainment for the night! He was fantastic! We love his music. Matt and I have seen his show 4 times before and he never gets old! Eli and Cullen were dancing all around and singing. For his last song he made his way into the audience and it was right, and I mean right next to us!! It was very cool. At the end of it, he autographed his guitar and handed it to a precious little girl on her dads shoulders. My immediate thought was "wish I had Eli by me!" but when I saw her reaction I was soo happy for her! She was jaw dropped in shock. I would have been as well.

Signing the Guitar

So, all in all, the rodeo was a blast. We had great family time and enjoyed a fun show!

Let's Rodeo San Antonio!

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